Content Management

A content management system or CMS is a software system that provides website authoring, collaboration, and administration tools designed to allow users with little knowledge of web programming languages or markup languages to create and manage website content with relative ease. A robust CMS provides the foundation for collaboration, offering users the ability to manage documents and output for multiple author editing and participation.

A CMS can be set up on your website that will allow you to manage and update your website on your own without any web knowledge needed. You would be given a backend log-in page (i.e. with a user name and password to log-in to the CMS. From there you will be able to make changes and updates to your website on software that is as simple as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. When your website has a content management system included McDarmont Web Design will offer tutorial sessions to as many users as needed to teach them how to use the system.

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Commonwealth Document Management"McDarmont Web Design has done an excellent job in designing and creating the Commonwealth Document Management website.  I was hired after the website was built and Brad took the time to walk me through the backend of the site and explained…